Obama Really Did Support A Terrorist Group

Obama Really Did Support A Terrorist Group

During president Obama’s eight years in the white house it seems he has not gotten much done. However what he has gotten done has been considered by many to be detrimental to America and its people. For example his affordable care act was meant to help people get health care but it has really just hurt millions of people’s wallets’.

However, if I said the worst thing he did was hurt some people financially, it’d be a lie. During his two terms president Obama directly armed Al Qeada, a terrorist group. In order to send weapons directly to the terrorist group Obama waved a federal law saying that this was “essential to the national security interests of the United States”. Obama did this to help Syrians over-throw Bashar Assad, but the war in Syria has costed well over 100,000 lives. Many of these Syrians that were trying to over-throw Bashar Assad have ties to Al Qeada and now other terrorist groups, so now those terrorists have weapons that were given to them by our very own government.


Of course the main stream media jumped up to defend the democratic president because of course they can’t have the image of their precious democrats damaged. The media tried to twist the story to make it sound like it was the greatest decision the president has made yet and they completely ignored the fact that now terrorist organizations have weapons that can be used to hurt Americans.

This action that president Obama took has done something that has never been done before, he single handedly put America on the same side as Islamic terrorists. When the media realized that people weren’t buying the way the were trying to twist the story, they tried to cover it up. Meaning that many people don’t know about this and that is not okay. People need to know about things like this, president Obama needs to held accountable for his actions during his presidency.


Clinton Involved In Serious Fraud

Clinton Involved In Serious Fraud

Two time Presidential election loser, Hillary Clinton, is known for having an illegal private email server that caused classified information to be possibly leaked is involved in more than just an illegal email server. If you didn’t know Bill and Hillary Clinton run a ‘charity’  called The Clinton Foundation.

This begs the question, how charitable is their so called ‘charity’? It turns out that only 5.7% of all of the so called ‘charity’s’ income actually went to charitable causes. Just for reference a well run charity spends about 25% of its income on costs of running the charity.


So how much money have the Clinton’s scammed from people who thought they were giving money to a real charity? Well, in 2014 the charity took in about $91.3 million but less than $5.2 million of that went to a charitable cause according to their IRS filings.  $50.4 million of the $91.3 million that they took in during 2014 went to “other expenses” which probably means it went into their pockets. If you thought this was bad during 2013 the Clinton foundation have 40% less of their income to charitable grants compared to 2014.


So, just how much money have the Clinton’s made from their scam charity? It seems that they have made well over $110 million off of their so called ‘charity’. So why don’t donors look more into the charity before they donate their money. Maybe its because they think they should be able to trust it if it is ran by a former president of America and the Secretary of State. Or maybe some of the big donors are rich people buying favors from Clinton’s so Hillary can help them out with her position in politics.

There is no law that says what percentage of income a charity must donate to charitable causes, so the best way to deal with the Clinton’s charity scam is to spread the word.

A Short Overview Of Clinton’s Lies

A Short Overview Of Clinton’s Lies

It’s not secret that Hillary Clinton lied multiple times during the 2016 presidential election from lies about her email server to lies about her being under sniper fire, here’s a list of just some of the biggest lies she has told during the 2016 election.

1. Clinton claimed multiple times that she was going to win the 2016 presidential election, that wasn’t true now was it?

2. Clinton once claimed that she tried to become a marine

3. Clinton blamed the Benghazi attack on a youtube video, however it was her fault and she admitted that she knew it was her fault in a private email that was leaked.

4. Clinton claimed that she did not laugh at a 12 year-old rape victim, she did.

5. Clinton stated many times that there was not any classified information on her email server.

6.Clinton claimed that the FBI had given her permission to have her own private email server.

 7. She claimed that she came under sniper fire when she arrived in Bosnia, she didn’t and there is a video of her landing in Bosnia clearly showing that she was not under sniper fire.

8. Clinton claimed that she played a large role in the raid of Osama Bin Laden when in actuality she had almost no role in the raid.

9. Clinton tried to deny that she voted for the war in Iraq, she even tried to criticize her opponent, Donald Trump saying that he did support the war in Iraq and she did not.

10. Clinton Claimed that she wanted to keep jobs in America but she was actively helping outsource jobs to other countries.

These are just a few of the many, many, many lies that she has told throughout her campaign. Perhaps the biggest lie she has ever told is that she would make a good president for this country.

CNN – Corrupt National News

CNN – Corrupt National News

    There has been a lot of talk about fake news over the last month, most it coming from sites like CNN. Yes, there has been issues with fake news but should main stream media really be talking about ending fake news? There has been many cases in which the main stream media has also spread fake news and they have neglected to do any reporting about that.


    CNN once did a story on the election of Nana Akufo-Addo in the African nation of Ghana. CNN said that Ghanaians were starving and struggling to obtain day-to-day services saying that the citizens of Ghana have to stand in long lines to obtain essential products. However a twitter user from Ghana tweeted “I didn’t know Ghanaians stand in long lines to obtain products or struggle to obtain food. And I live there”. It turns out that it was true that Ghanaians were not struggling to obtain food and they did not have to stand in line to obtain essential items. They also misspelled “Ghanaians” and got the dates of the elections wrong.


    Perhaps the most shocking thing that main stream media has done is taken payment from governments to produce fake news stories. A three-time Emmy award winning journalist former CNN reporter, Amber Lyon, exposed that governments across the world pay CNN to write fake news stories. When CNN refused to air a story that she wrote about the Arab Spring in Bahrain, a violent against an oppressive government in the Middle East, she began to dig and see why CNN had refused to air her story. Amber found that  CNN is routinely paid off by the U.S. government and a number of other foreign governments to selectively report and air news stories from around the world.Bahrain’s government had paid CNN to make sure they did not report on the violent incidents happening, they did not want to public to know that peaceful protesters were being murdered in the streets and that its citizens were being tortured.